Annual Recital
​Dance by Cami holds their annual recitals at Upper St. Clair High School Theater. The recital is one of the main events of the year! We bring in backdrops from Hollywood, distribute trophies to all participants, hire skilled technicians for videography, photography, lighting, sound crew, airbrushed apparel, stage hands, and much more! It is an event the students and staff look forward to every year.
Showdolls Performances
Our Showdolls participate in several competitions each season.
During the holidays the Showdolls also give back to the community by performing a holiday production for nursing homes in the area. They also perform their holiday production at the Annual Christmas Party hosted at the beautiful Hilton Hotel in Southpoint and during the halftime show for the Harlem Globetrotters!.
The most exciting performance for the Showdolls is the biennial performance at Walt Disney World in Orlando Florida!
Learn more about becoming a Showdoll